Course Overview
Join peers from leading family-run organizations to learn how family governance can help sustain business continuity, family unity and commitment. Come away equipped and energized to realize your vision for the future of your family enterprise with confidence.
Who should attend:
- Family and non-family directors, CEOs, board chairs and trustees of family-controlled firms. The enterprise must be 3rd generation or beyond, with a significant number of family owners and minimum annual revenue of US$100m with a preference for $500m or above (1st and 2nd generation enterprises should check out our Forming Family Enterprise Governance program)
- Family members involved in governing their family councils, family office or their family foundations
- Family shareholders
Key benefits:
- Define the roles and responsibilities of owners, directors, board chairs, the executive team and the family council
- Improve your board’s effectiveness
- Learn about critical governance policies needed to sustain the relationship between the enterprise and the family
- Learn how a common vision can unite family owners in a long-term commitment to continuity
- Learn how governance can be used to gain trust among family owners, directors and top management
- Leverage governance as a key competitive advantage of family business